Friday, April 20, 2012

Night Thougts

It's kinda funny...I always was able to find Orion in the night sky. Hell, it was the most constant and beautiful thing in my life at the time. Now Scorpio is easy to find, perhaps because it has just taken up Orion's vacated place in their eternal struggle. Or maybe it's something to do with me and how my outlook on life has changed that I can now locate Scorpio easier. Most normal people probably don't think the way I do, most people see the stars as stars and leave it be there. But I think it must hold some personal meaning.

I've been sitting on my balcony thinking about the interconnectedness of all things too, and sometimes it's kinda mind-blowing. I mean, I am connected to the trees, the car two spaces away, the refugee in a war torn area of the world, the rich business man, the horrible tyrant, all of it. I am connected to it all and it is all connected to me. Sometimes that fucking blows my mind, sometimes I get depressed, and most of the time it's what gets me to sleep at night. Is that strange? That I can only sleep when I contemplate the meaning of things which intrinsically have no meaning? Fuck I don't know.

It's amazing the things we do to find meaning in a world that has none. I've poured my own personal meaning out there, and things start to look like I might be headed down that path. I might just yet make music and write for a living. That'd be fucking awesome, and maybe the one person reading this will say "Shit I knew him when he was just an angsty little snot-nosed twenty-something". I'll never forget you reader(s). Hell, I've seen people comment on my blog, awesome people. I just wanna thank those people now, so that I don't forget this feeling of gratitude. Thank you. Thank you more than you'll ever know.

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