Friday, February 11, 2011

HA HA! Now I got a new title! Suck on that everyone else who is as unoriginal as me!

So yeah, now this blog is The Smithy of My Soul. That's taken from a line in James Joyce's book "The  Portrait of an Artist as a Young Man". Good book, you should go read it. Like, now. Because it's awesome. But make sure to get Mythic Worlds, Modern Words by Joseph Campbell to go along with it. It's a wonderful help to have in case you get lost in all the symbolism. Also it's really cool to read as far as you can into TPoaAaaYM(The  Portrait of an Artist as a Young Man), then read Mythic Worlds Modern Words. And it's also really cool to compare your own ideas to that of Campbell's. Needless to say, I have a more original title, you need to go get those two books, and well, people need to read more books. Because books are more than just things for the intellectual elite to hold over everyone's heads. More average people need to read the classics, because they have so much to offer. So enough of my yakkin', or else this post will be as long as War and Peace(pro-tip, don't read it. It's too long, there are too many characters, and it's just a mess. You need a flowchart to figure what is happening half the time. But I'll reveiw War and Peace some other time(Lucky you!)). So yeah, until next time!